The supper food you never knew you needed – Creamy Instant Miso Garlic Noodles

I’m assuming we all have at least that one ultimate go-to or “emergency” dish that’s always stocked in our pantry. The one that is super convenient, can be made in minutes, tastes delicious, comforting and more importantly, doesn’t make too much noise when you’re cooking it at night (unless you live alone, then no worries!). Well for me, that dish is the ever-reliable instant noodles *tadaaaa* –specifically, my beloved Indomie instant noodle, my one and only favorite. 

But instead of following the package instructions to the letter (which, let’s be honest, still tastes amazing), I like to give it a twist by adding some fresh ingredients that I usually have on hand. I know some of you might think, fresh ingredients and instant noodles are literally an odd pairing, a defeat of purpose, but sometimes the best flavors come from unexpected combinations, right? (please say yes). 

Allow me to share a little piece of myself–it has nothing to do with my childhood stories, or my Indonesian roots. It is simply just inspired by my craving for warm, creamy noodles with subtle umami flavor and a slight kick to keep me awake during late-night study sessions. I also draw inspiration from food blogs and short instagram reels that–handsdown nowadays, people are so crazily creative (oh, and this reminded me to remind you tho, that scrolling through them at night is strictly unadvised!). 

Even though supper might not be a tradition for everyone, I sometimes enjoy this comforting, quick dish during the day too, often as a snack. Now this got me thinking, how many times do I actually eat in a day? *feels like a mini food audit*. 

Without further ado, here’s my twist on the instant noodles. I hope you find it as delightful and comforting as I do. Enjoy!



4 – 5 tsp white miso (if you love stronger fermented taste, and slightly saltier taste, feel free to add more to your preference) 

3 cloves garlic, crushed and minced

A hint of ginger (just a tiny bit to mellow the strong garlic flavor, if you prefer the straight pungent taste and kick of garlic, you can skip the ginger) 

Honey (optional) 


3 tsp Vegan mayo or Dairy mayo (something with a plain smell and flavor is recommended)

2 tsp of water or milk

Other garnishes (spring onion, grated cheese, furikake, fresh vegetables–optional)

Just a tiny dash of packaged seasoning and the bawang goreng garnish provided (for adding umami flavor, adjust to your preference). 

Everything else

Instant noodles (I used Indomie <3, cooked according to the instruction)

1 Egg, beaten 


  1. Prepare all the ingredients. 
  2. Make the sauce: In a small bowl, add the white miso, minced garlic, ginger, honey, salt, vegan mayo, water or milk, and the packaged seasoning. Mix until well-blended. The sauce should be thick but still flowey and pourable without needing a spoon. If it’s too thick, add a bit more water to thin it out. 
  3. Cook the noodles: Boil water in a pot and cook your instant noodles according to the packet instructions. Once cooked, drain the water. 
  4. Combine noodles and egg: Pour the beaten egg into the empty pot and add the “dry” noodles. Mix them together gently over low-medium heat, stirring regularly to ensure the egg coats the noodles evenly. After about 7-10 minutes, you will see the egg starting to cook and the noodles becoming creamier. 
  5. Add the sauce: Pour the sauce from step 2 into the pot and stir well until the sauce coats all the noodles evenly. Increase the heat slightly and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Be careful not to overcook; you want the noodles to have a bit of creamy, viscous consistency rather than being dry. 
  6. Bon Appétit: Once cooking is done, plate your ramen in a cozy bowl, add some garnish–fresh vegetables, spring onion, furikake or even grated cheese- you can be as creative and as cozy as you want. Enjoy it while it’s warm!